§ 1
- “The Women’s Power” Foundation, hereinafter referred to as the Foundation, operates based on the Act of 6 April 1984 on foundations and the provisions of this statute.
- The Foundation was established by KATARZYNA ŚWIEBODA, hereinafter referred to as the Founder, notarial deed Repertory A number 4071/2018 prepared by notary public Adam Krasowski on 08.03.2018.
§ 2
- The seat of the Foundation is Kielce.
- The duration of the Foundation is indefinite.
- The Foundation operates in the entire area of the Republic of Poland, while to the extent necessary for the proper implementation of the objectives, the Foundation may also operate outside the borders of the Republic of Poland.
§ 3
- The Foundation has legal status.
- The foundation is supervised by the minister competent for family, work and social policy.
- The Foundation may undertake economic activity, except that profits from economic activity are allocated solely to the implementation of the Foundation’s statutory objectives.
§ 4
The Foundation may establish certificates, badges, medals of honor and award them, along with other prizes and distinctions, to natural and legal persons distinguished for the Foundation, contributing to the achievement of the Foundation’s goals.
§ 5
The goal of the foundation is:
- Integrating the women’s environment.
- Promoting knowledge in the field of self-development, interpersonal communication, mediation, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, raising a child in the family, personal finance management and preventive healthcare.
- Exchange of experiences and mutual assistance between women operating in various fields of professional and social life.
- Promoting and encouraging the development of services supporting entrepreneurial women and helping them maintain balance between work and family life.
- Promoting activities for equal opportunities between men and women.
- Activities for equalizing educational opportunities for children and young people from marginalized environments.
- Activities in the field of preventing social pathologies, aggression and violence among all family members in a social, school and family environment.
- Care for the quality of life of children and young people, their comprehensive development, health, safety, subjectivity, dignity and equal life opportunities.
- Socially useful activities conducted in the sphere of public tasks, including tasks in the field of:
a) activities for the disabled, seniors, homeless and others,
b) health protection and promotion,
c) promoting physical culture and sport,
d) science, education, and upbringing,
e) activities supporting the development of local communities,
f) charity work promotion,
g) activities for the family, motherhood, parenthood, promotion and protection of children’s rights. - Technical support, training, information or financial support for non-governmental organizations and other entities cooperating with the Foundation.
§ 6
The Foundation pursues its goals through:
- Arranging or conducting training sessions, courses, lectures, seminars, symposia, conferences, shows, exhibitions, fairs and readings.
- Organizing regular women’s meetings as part of the “Biznes na Obcasach’ club”.
- Providing professional, legal, economic, psychological, social skills and other counseling services.
- Protection against pathology, social exclusion, ill-treatment, discrimination and all forms of violence and child abuse.
- Initiating and organizing spending time together of children and young people, whole families by holding cultural events, family festivals, sports, tourist, rehabilitation and cultural camps.
- Co-financing for green schools.
- Organizing or assisting in charity events for children and young people, including through feeding children and adolescents in educational establishments.
- Providing comprehensive assistance to people at risk of social maladjustment and affected by random circumstances.
- Cooperation with state, local government, non-governmental authorities, institutions, mass media, enterprises and natural persons to the extent necessary to achieve the Foundation’s goals.
- Participation in assistance programs financed from the European Union, obtaining domestic and foreign funds for the implementation of the Foundation’s objectives.
- Conducting information, promotional and publishing activities aimed at achieving statutory objectives.
§ 7
The Foundation’s assets are the start-up fund in the amount of PLN 1,000 (one thousand PLN 00/100) and other property acquired by the Foundation during its operation.
§ 8
- The Foundation’s income may come from:
a) donations, inheritances, bequests,
b) grants and subsidies from legal entities,
c) income from collections and public events,
d) income from the foundation’s assets,
e) bank interest. - All income generated by the Foundation is allocated solely to statutory activities
§ 9
- The Foundation is responsible for its obligations with all its assets.
- If the Foundation is appointed to inherit, the Management Board makes a declaration of acceptance of the inheritance with the benefit of inventory and only if at the time of making this statement it is obvious that the active state of the inheritance significantly exceeds the debts.
§ 10
The Foundation’s authorities are the Foundation’s Board, hereinafter referred to as the Board.
§ 11
- The Foundation Board consists of one to three persons appointed by the Founder for a three-year term.
- A member of the Management Board may serve more than one term of office.
- For the first term of office, the Founder elects the Management Board in composition:
a) Katarzyna ŚWIEBODA – President. - Membership in the Management Board expires as a result of:a) submitting a written resignation to the Founder,
b) an appeal by the Founder,
c) loss of civil rights as a result of a conviction by a final judgment of a court of crime committed with willful fault,
d) death of a member of the Management Board. - In the event of the Founder’s death or their legal incapacity, their right to appoint and dismiss members of the Board is taken over by the Board.
§ 12
- The Board manages the Foundation’s activities and represents it outside.
The competences of the Management Board include:a) managing the current operations of the Foundation,
b) implementation of statutory goals,
c) establishing the Foundation’s annual action plans and financial plans,
d) establishing regulations,
e) determining the employment size and the amount of funds for the salaries of employees of the Foundation,
f) accepting donations, bequests, subsidies and grants,
g) managing the assets of the Foundation,
h) establishing amendments of the statute,
i) deciding to merge with another foundation or liquidate the Foundation,
j) making decisions on all matters not delegated to the competence of other bodies.
§ 13
- Meetings of the Management Board are held as needed, but at least once a quarter.
- Meetings of the Management Board are convened by the President, sending information about the date by e-mail, and in the absence of such a possibility by registered mail at least 5 days before the planned meeting.
- All members of the Management Board must be informed about the meeting.
- The Management Board makes decisions by means of resolutions by a simple majority of votes, unless further provisions of the statute provide otherwise. In the event of an even distribution of votes, the vote of the President of the Management Board shall prevail.
- The Foundation Board may appoint proxies to manage a separate sphere of matters belonging to the Foundation’s tasks.
§ 14
Declarations of will on behalf of the Foundation, also in matters related to contracting property obligations, are made by the President of the Management Board.
§ 15
The changes in the Foundation’s statute are made by the Management Board. Amendments of the statute may relate to the purposes for which the Foundation was established and specified in the foundation act.
§ 16
- The foundation may merge with another foundation to effectively achieve its goals.
- A merger with another foundation cannot occur if the Foundation’s purpose could change significantly as a result.
- In matters of merger with another Foundation, the Management Board is competent, while its decisions are adopted by a unanimous resolution.
§ 17
- The Foundation is liquidated if it achieves the purposes for which it was established or if its funds and assets run out.
- The liquidation decision is made by the Management Board by a unanimous resolution.
- Foundation liquidators are appointed and dismissed by the Management Board.
- Financial resources and assets remaining after the liquidation of the Foundation may be allocated by virtue of a resolution of the Management Board to organizations operating in the Republic of Poland with similar purposes.